Class JarPatcher

  extended by at.spardat.xma.xdelta.JarPatcher

public class JarPatcher
extends Object

This class applys a zip file containing deltas created with JarDelta using GDiffPatcher on the files contained in the jar file. The result of this operation is not binary equal to the original target zip file. Timestamps of files and directories are not reconstructed. But the contents of all files in the reconstructed target zip file are complely equal to their originals.


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void applyDelta(ZipFile source, ZipFile patch, ZipOutputStream output)
          Applies the differences in patch to source to create the target file.
static void main(String[] args)
          Main method to make applyDelta(ZipFile, ZipFile, ZipOutputStream) available at the command line.
usage JarPatcher source patch output
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JarPatcher()
Method Detail


public void applyDelta(ZipFile source,
                       ZipFile patch,
                       ZipOutputStream output)
                throws IOException
Applies the differences in patch to source to create the target file. All binary difference files are applied to their corresponding file in source using GDiffPatcher. All other files listed in META-INF/file.list are copied from patch to output.

source - the original zip file, where the patches have to be applied
patch - a zip file created by JarDelta.computeDelta(ZipFile, ZipFile, ZipOutputStream) containing the patches to apply
output - the patched zip file to create
IOException - if an error occures reading or writing any entry in a zip file


public static void main(String[] args)
                 throws IOException
Main method to make applyDelta(ZipFile, ZipFile, ZipOutputStream) available at the command line.
usage JarPatcher source patch output


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