
This package contains classes for creating patches for binary files output in the GDIFF format.


Interface Summary
DiffWriter Interface for DIFF writers.
SeekableSource For sources of random-access data, such as RandomAccessFile.

Class Summary
ByteBufferSeekableSource Wraps a byte buffer as a source
Checksum Checksum computation class.
DebugDiffWriter For debugging patch generation.
Delta Class for computing deltas against a source.
GDiffPatcher This class patches an input file with a GDIFF patch fil�e.
GDiffWriter Outputs a diff following the GDIFF file specification available at
RandomAccessFileSeekableSource Wraps a random access file.

Exception Summary
PatchException Thrown when a patch is invalid.

Package Description

This package contains classes for creating patches for binary files output in the GDIFF format.

The patch creation class is Delta.

The patch applier class is GDiffPatcher.

Example use:

 byte source[] = ...;
 byte target[] = ...;
 Delta d = new Delta();
 byte patch[] = d.compute(source, target);

 GDiffPatcher p = new GDiffPatcher();
 byte patchedSource[] = p.patch(source, patch);

 assert java.util.Arrays.equals(target, patchedSource);

See Also:
Delta, GDiffPatcher

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